The Life of Keeg

Monday, September 11, 2006

I have a new blog now

so here is my new blog address: I will no longer be using this one.

so I might as well start off fresh now with this beta thing. Hope to keep getting comments from you all on my new site:) bye for now!
I am officially frustrated with this whole "switch blogger to beta" thing- I got the Google account- but since I use Safari and not internet explorer or firefox- I can't convert it. Although I can comment on other people with beta's blogs. Anyways if I don't figure it out I will be using my xanga account instead (once I've tried everything) Any suggestions people? So, that's the scoop with that.

IN other news I have started school again- it's been a hard first week back with some other issues going on- but I think I am on track now, ready to just delve right in. A bunch of us nursing girls went out for drinks the other night at Milestones- I had my first "muff driver" I think it's called- picture a martini glass filled with whipped cream with a shot of bailies inside and you have to dig it out only using your mouth. The waiter took a polaroid and put it in a card marked "Milestones memories" One of the girls thought it would be funny to buy this drink for me. I won't go into details about what this drink is referring to- but I found out after the drink. Anyways the girls were suprised I would try something like that- but I was feeling a little crazy so I did. I'd had a green apple martini before, and for those of you who know me know I am a lightweight! So, I went to EA and luckily Melissa was there- so we (and one of her friends) did some online personality tests while I waited to be able to walk and drive again. :)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

some seaside, Or pics

seaside by the seashore...

Jennica and I took a road trip in the Ford Focus down to Seaside, Or. We had an amazing time. Some highlights: leaving at 4 am from Langley, getting there around lunchtime on the Sat and proceeding to rent bikes for the day and biked the boardwalk and around town. Next we played some guitar in the beautiful backyard of our Hostel overlooking the river. Next, we rented a double-kayak and went downt the river where it meets the ocean- so peacefull....... Later we made a nice supper, met some nice people from our hostel. One guy named Eric works at the hostel- he had long blond hair, walked around barefoot, and we think he was either high or completely washed out from too many drugs. One funny thing he said: we invited him to come to karyoke with us one night to which he replied "How can I sing right now? I'm not even in my body..." okay then. The other fun people we met was two guys from Boulder, Colorado who we figured by day 2 were gay. Some of the nicest guys I've ever met- so many good conversations at mealtimes and around the hostel. We'll miss those two...Okay- so sat night Jen and I had spent some time on the beach- w'd just written a song- and we were walking back when we saw a houseparty going on in one of the beach/vacation houses. Well, Jennica made a comment like "looks like quite the party.." and they saw we had a guitar- and they invited us in to perform in their talent show that was happening! So many drunk happy people- tons of energy. We proceeded to play the song we just wrote- some girls there thought we were "Teigen and Sara" a band- only because they thought we were pretty good and Teigen rhymes with Keegan.....Anyways- an interesting talent was this one guy performing a mattress swim/race- complete with the special somersault turns and everything. Well we agreed to meet up with these amazing people the4 next night for Karyoke at the local bar. These were all people in their mid-late twenties from across the US- hard to imagine them in a monday to friday job;)
So, we did do some karyoke- did some dixie chicks and some Good Charlotte and Aretha Franklyn "Respect" -I had the dance floor to myself for this one song and i broke out in my Napoleon Dynamite/fat-boy slim praise you dance moves. It was unreal! Pics and videos to come soon (of us doing our sound check before the memory card was full).
Another highlight was going to church in Astoria, and then eating the best fish and chips (made with tuna) then the Colombia River Maritime museum (got to listen to actual coast guard calls and see boats, ect). Next we walked 160 (one way) flights of stairs to the Astoria Ciolumn for a foggy view of the town (overlooking the bridge between Wa and Or).
Overall- good sister bonding time- too bad I missed seeing Aaron who was in Seaside with some other people. I am sure there are even more stories to tell, if I can think of them, I will post them later, along with more pics. Above are some pics of the maritime museum and of Astoria.

Friday, September 01, 2006

My new digs

I absolutely love it! It's the nicest room I have inhabited yet! I picked the color myself- I think it represents me a little:)

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

My new place!

I am all moved in to my freshly renovated room! A new city, a fresh start for my 3rd year of the nursing program- close to school (I can bike there) with a family I love (I grew up with Day and michele andI absolutely adore Zav). I can't wait to have everyone over on friday for the housewarming party- stay tuned for pics- I have found that with moving you lose and or break things and I can't find my batteries right now, I've lost my little address book more times that I can count and, well actually I have done surprisingly well with getting all my stuff here in one piece. I am so glad Aaron has a truck for the bigger furnature. Well everyone: I wish you all the luck with you "fresh starts" be it school, jobs, whatever. Maybe this isn't your season for something new- that's okay we all have it at one time or another. So, if I don't post as much it's because I am being really studious (or not), and if I post a lot I am probably procrastinating about doing homework- either way I will try to keep up with the updates. One more thing: So, yesterday I got a flat tire- I was stranded on the highway (coming from chilliwack to abby) no one was stopping and all I neeed was a jack and a phone- so I started walking (not knowing how far the next exite was) and someone pulls up. And get this: it's Rachel (my younger sis)! And she has a jack, she changes my tire for me, I call petro - once the spare is on-she leaves and the tow truck comes- puts a little air in the tire, and I am off (staying under 80 km/hr of course). It couldn't have worked out better- now I am off to buy a new (or used) tire in chilliwack.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Our day in Bellingham

Life could no be more perfect as Aaron and I had a nice Italien dinner in Bellingham, Wa. We then went in search of a drive-in movie theatre- which America is supposed to be all about (according to the internet and Aaron). So the one I found online is now a mini-mall, and the other one was on Whidbey island (too far) so we decided to go check out Fairhaven a nice port community with historic buildings and character. So, get this: we hear a band playing- cool maybe we should check it out- well it turns out the band just started played 5 minutes before- and once they are done they are showing "Walk the line" in the park!! And it's by donation only- so I spend 7 bucks for the two of us (what a steal) with american money I found in one of my old birthday cards too!!! So, we ended the evening at the docks where I demonstrated to Aaron how you can splash your hand around the water and see "phosphorescents" in the water- these things that light up like sparks!!! He dindn't seem to think it was amazing as I did. Anyways I am waiting on some more pics from his camera to put on this post- these are all I have...

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Kilarney Lake


Okay I did all these posts backwards so read from the bottom posts to the top- kay!

Went to Glad Tidings with everyone (Pam, Wendy, Nils and Chris) really good message about praise- and what it means to praise God. Amazing times of praise and worship throughout the morning. Daid goodbye to Chris- then headed with Pam and Nils to visit an old landlord of hers- a single mom of 3 (Nils knows her too) and we went with her and the kids plus 2 other kids (one looked like a young Dakota Fanning) to Arbutus Cove for a swim and some blackberry picking. So I swam in a river, a lake and the ocean this weekend! Then it was off to the ferry for me! I sure miss Aaron though- he gets back from his adventures in Colorado tomorrow:)

Later that day...

We went home and all of us helped Pam make some red curry Thai dish with savory rice- yummmyy...Followed by the guys doing the dishes and Pam's homemade chocolate ice cream. Nils led a game of Concentration- and before we knew it was 1130 time for bed!

Chris and I with the amazing dinner


Did some errands with the girls downtown, played some tennis at Windsor park with Pam and Wendy then walked Willows beach and all the way back to the apartment with Wendy. Next we got together with Chris and Nils to the Hartland dump area in search of Kilarney Lake- we had to tresspass on private property and we met up with some mean-looking big dogs (the boys were ahead of us we sprinted as fast as we could back to the main road). We ended up going the long way around the lake but as you can see it was worth the efforts.

Victoria trippin'- starting on Friday

Went to Victoria this weekend with Pam. She had a nail in her car tire so we had to keep filling it up with air at the gas stations all weekend. The first thing we did once I arrived in Nanimo was drive to the Sooke potholes. So much fun! It was the later part of the day so there wasn't much sun left, but I really enjoyed exploring the different cliff jumping spots and little crevasses cut out in the rocks where you could climb in and explore and sit. I was exploring on my own for while while the girls suntannned then I returned to join them. Once we got back we decided to head out the Inner Harbour. Dinner at the Noodle Box, listened to a band play at the Dragon Boat festival, saw some of the boats and yachts. I watched a performer stuff a skinny blown-up balloon down his throat! After all that we hit the hay pretty exhausted from our full day.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I rode the roller coaster!

This is me clutching on for dear life while attempting to film it. Yeah for playland round 2!!!!