The Life of Keeg

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

well I just wanted to say that relationships are very tricky and complicated- but why?? I am just know that right now everyday I am on edge and don't know what to expect next from this guy- who by the way is not my boyfriend but unlike any other new male friend I have ever had. It's amazing to see what happens when two very broken people come together. I don't know if it is supposed to be that way- but God and time will tell whether it will work or not. In the meantime I have been learning plenty about myself when I am with D, and learning more about him. That's all I have to say for now.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

ICCF Indo-Canadian conference 25th anniversary - helping out with the kids at my church

Pictures from the hike today at Teapot hill with Randy
I just want to let the record stand that sometime boys can be so emotionally manipulative- and that I am not taking it anymore! Boys- just leave me alone!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Well- the big news! I quit my job (last day sept 18th) and will be starting a new job on sept 2nd as a Support Group facilitator for MCC (the same company I work for at the group home). I will be doing fancy things like quarterly reports, taking clients out for coffee and organizing meetings- fun! It's a higher wage and it is only 6 hours a month which is perfect for me being in full time nursing for year 2! So, that's all for now- I love you all!!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

I wish that were me and the special someone in the future....

Monday, August 22, 2005

The city wide church service for the city of Abbotsford, BC Wow what an awesome celebration as you can see! Location: Mill Lake

Sunday, August 21, 2005

This is Jill Paquette and I at Northview church- her music rocks!

The movie : Bride and Predjudice

Saturday, August 20, 2005

The Bollywood Party

Well, Daphne, Becks and I had the official party tonight. It was so fun- I picked up some indian sweets from one of a handful of east indian sweets shop/restuarants. Daphne made the chai tea, and we even had some cold indian drinks (sweet lea sp?) is's made with plain yogurt and sugar. Oh- and of course we had somosas!! Then the movie "Bride and Predjudice" the bollywood version of Pride and Predjudice. It was hilarious- the funniest part was when one of the sisters does a "snake dance" and proceeds to dance and "hiss" at all the house guests!!!

So the pictures will be posted in a couple of days.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Our family dog, molly died peacfully yesterday afternoon with dad by her side. Molly we love you girl and we miss you. You had an amazing 14 years with our family.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

The Great Adventure Jennica and jamie's blog
The Suttie sisters at the Blairney Stone for Jennica's Bachelorette party

My friend Melissa and I at the Yorshire Rose at the Welsh Brothers cd release concert

My brother-in-law, Jamie and I going for a walk in the park
Well this web site is the story of my life. In it you might find: random pictures and comments about my life as a student nurse. I will probably babble on about life or something like that and this is why: I love life and am constantly amused by others and situations. So, I will probably go on about how I met some random person at a bus stop, or how I miss my sister and brother in law in Korea, and how much I love kids. Well, that's it for now. More to come.....

My dad and I on vacation this summer

Chris and I in Victoria

Pictures of my trip to Vancouver island at the beginning of august