The Life of Keeg

Friday, March 03, 2006

I just saw the movie "the Chronicles are Narnia" it moved me to tears, so many metaphors for God, HIs love for us and the spiritual world we are so often blind to. My favorite parts of the movie are when Mr.Thomas says about Narnia "it's always winter, but never christmas..." I like it because Relient K wrote a song based on this line call "In like a lion (always winter)" from their new Apathetic ep cd. I also like the part where the children are watching Aslum walk away on the beach- and they say "He's not a tame lion is he....but he is good" I liked that because Derek Webb in his live cd talks about how God, like Aslum, is not safe, but how He is good- I have never liked fighting scenes, but the battle (filmed in New Zealand I hear) showed how the "underdogs" can really have victory using creativity (the birds that came out of nowhere dumping rocks and confusing the enemies- it reminded me of the battles I've read about in the Old testament. So, if you haven't seen it yet- see Chronicles of Narnia!


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