The Life of Keeg

Monday, July 24, 2006

Poetry in motion

This is Melissa and I at a poetry slam last Monday. For those of you who don't know what this is: a bunch of poets get together- one at a time they come and share their poetry- without props or music. They have 3 minutes (?) to recite their poetry to be judged by randomly picked audience members 0 out of 10. After the first part of the night- the top ten poets based on scores are chosen to come back with a second poem after the intermission. Then a winner is chosen based on the highest score. Now, I come for the poetry and I don't get how you can give someone a number score for their art. I just love sitting there in awe of these words so intricately put together, swirling together so many images in my mind that it takes me to another world. So, after this night I went home inspired to write again- that's right folks- I used to write, in fact I was at one time working on a book. More of a journal that could possibly be published. Now, I think that now I want to write for me. I am at a great time in my life right now: good friends, in the middle of nursing school, found an amazing church, have a brother (in-law) that I have always wanted (I have always wanted a brother to look out for me and to banter with) and my sister and her hubby are coming home on Thursday after almost a year of being in south Korea!!!


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